Thurrock Coronavirus Community Action will launch on Friday 27 March.

Thurrock Council in partnership with Stronger Together, Thurrock CVS and other local organisations are working together to safely coordinate support to residents in need and to help ensure voluntary work is carried out in a safe and co-ordinated way across the borough.

The priority of Thurrock Coronavirus Community Action is to help residents who have been contacted by Government and Public Health England in regards to shielding, these are residents who are at very high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and must stay at home and self-isolate for 12 weeks due to underlying health conditions.

If you fall into this category and have received a text or letter from the NHS this week please follow the link in the message and sign up for support. Volunteers for Thurrock Coronavirus Community Action will be in touch with these residents in due course to confirm their individual support needs.

For residents who do not fall into the shielding category but require additional help and support at this time, more information will be coming out from Monday on how to access help from Thurrock Coronavirus Community Action.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Rob Gledhill, said: “As the coming days and weeks become more difficult, self-isolation and access to help may be a source of worry for many of our residents. I urge residents who have received a text or letter from the NHS this week to follow the link in the text and sign up for support as soon as possible.

“Thurrock Coronavirus Community Action will be providing our most vulnerable residents with help to access food, medicines and social contact. Thank you so much to everyone across the borough who is volunteering to support our communities at this challenging time.”

Stronger Together are developing a local volunteer network to support this activity. This will include help for individuals and groups who would like to volunteer but will also provide information online enabling people to say how and where they can help. With connections to other local organisations, Stronger Together will coordinate and link volunteers with roles within the community but also provide signposting for people to help themselves and others.

Kristina Jackson, Chief Executive at Thurrock CVS, said: “It is clear that many people across the borough want to do something to help others and I would please ask anyone who would like to help out, to register their interest in volunteering through the website detailed below so we can co-ordinate a fast and effective response and get food, medicine and other essential items to those who need them as quickly and safely as possible for all, whilst sticking to social distancing measured.”

To register your interest to volunteer please visit:

For more information on Thurrock Coronavirus Community Action visit:

Additional information is available via and

Support for the community is also on where there are details of support through a dedicated Facebook page and Facebook Group to give a platform for residents to share resources and receive additional local information.