on Saturday 31st July, Riverside Community Big Local working with Kinetika, Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions and Thameside Theatre held an event at Grays Riverside Beach Park.
Painting Flags, Princesses, and a Plastic Whale, all in a park in Grays!
Showcasing some our great Social Entrepreneurs; including Katie and her Refill Cabin, Kirstie from Reach Out For Mental Health and Carolyn from We are Creatives, the rain held off and we were able to encourage lots of people to complete the RCBL survey.
Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price came over to our tent for a chat about the good work being undertaken in our community and she also took time out to complete a Riverside Community Big Local survey.
Thank you to Jo Dungate from Tale of the Fanns, Katie Beadle, and everyone from Kinetika for helping to make it such a great day.